Mark Citret Exhibition at the Rayko Photo Center

Mark Citret Exhibition at the Rayko Photo Center



Exhibition opening and book signing: September 14th, 6-8pm
Exhibition on view: September 14th - October 14th, 2016


"From 1990 to 1993 I photographed the continuing metamorphosis of a massive construction site in the southwest corner of San Francisco: excavation to foundations; foundations to walls and columns; walls and columns to enclosed rooms and cavernous chambers. Without pride or embarrassment, I can say that I find the rebar and concrete of a construction site every bit as beautiful as fir trees delicately outlined by freshly fallen snow. Perhaps that is why photography, (at least in the way I practice it), while irrevocably tied to the way things literally appear, is nonetheless a magical medium of the imagination. This construction site, which when completed was the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant, or in laymen's terms, a sewage treatment plant, was, and remains, the most intriguing landscape I have ever photographed."


Mark Citret’s latest book, Parallel Landscapes, is now available. The book is a collection of 47 photographs, including an introduction by photographer and mentor Al Weber, an essay on the project by the photographer, with an afterword by Professor Stephen Arkin. Pick up a signed copy at Mark's opening on September 14th!